Thursday, March 25, 2010

When Khunnai upgrades to be iKhunnai

In the age of iTune, iPod, iPad, iPhone, and many other i, Khunnai like yourself probably wants to be techie & cool & known as iKhunnai. Well, now you can. Thanks to the geekiness that lies within this very Khunnai who is writing this blog.

I’ve been using iPhone for over 3 months now. And I have to say, now it’s gonna sound a bit like someone falling in love, that I don’t know how I had lived without my iPhone. So now I’m gonna list the programs that I love, love, love. I think they are so chic, chic, chic. Plus most of them are free, free, free.

4 out of 5 iPhone female users use iPhone to take pix. 5 out of 5 iPhone female users who have QuadCamera love QuadCamera. Of course this is just my own makeup stats, but trust me, it’s very much so. What can I say? It’s fun, it’s cute, it’s creative. And most of the time, you look great (since you are divided into 4 or 8, so you won’t see so much of you -- that must make you look better!). It’s like the photo sticker machine we had 10 years ago, only that now you can take as many as you want for free, whoopee!

Don’t ask. iKhunnai is a little geeky sometimes. She needs to be knowledgeable of the world around her. And how else is yet a better style than reading the world’s largest, cheapest (coz it’s free!) online encyclopedia like wikipedia, on the go! The snap here shown Henry VIII which was my last subject of study coz I just finished watching The Other Boleyn girl, yet another subject I just Wikied before going to bed last night (I wanted to know how real was the substance in the movie compared to the real history). No I don’t have that much of free time, but British royalty is of interest for everyone, especially an iKhunnai!

One of the happiest things to do in life is to eat well. Every Khunnai knows that. Every iKhunnai knows that you can eat well anywhere, any time thanks to Toptable that allows you to find great resto nearby across Europe and allows you to "book" by a simple click away. The super duper cool thing about Toptable is that you can find the resto based on where you are -- so you can do that on the go, or based on where you want to search -- so you can plan up yr trip. What's more? You can 'see' the 'look' of the resto -- every Khunnai wants to know what the resto looks like before she enters. There are sample menu for you to peek. It also gives you the opening dates & hours, address, phone no. It has a built-in map. You can book by a simple click, and there is discount in some resto!!

Vogue Stylist
The minute I knew Vogue has an app on iPhone, I thanked someone up above. I don't know about you, but I'm one of those girls who buy fashion magazines to look at the ads. They keep me updated with the latest offers from everyone. And now all of them are on this app! Plus more! There are latest trends and looks that you can choose to see bags, dresses, perfumes, and makeups that accompany with that particular trend. I don't care if people say that it is advert in disguise. Of course it is. Duh! Who cares. Every fashion mag is just like that. You think us girls buy a fashion mag to read book reviews? There are links to fashion shows, other items in that collections, or to directly buy the items. Heaven, isn't it?

Time Mobile
Who says us Khunnais don't need to know about news? It's just that it's such a hassle to buy a newspaper, go through the long article just to realize that the gist of it is just 3 lines long. News magazine is expensive, so we'd rather buy a fashion mag. It's much thicker, talking about value for money! Time app is free. And it already digests news for us. It's news analysis on the go. It's shorter. It's prettier too, which is a good plus. I can skim thru all the happenings in 10 seconds. And it's got videos & clips. So now you news agencies out there, if you want to get me, you'd better be free, concise, and pretty.

This app requires someone who is geeky enough to put together the pix, the songs, the app; who is also quirky enough to have so many pix and so many songs. Or I could just say.. it was made for me? I'd the pix from my facebook albums and take the songs from my iPhone playlists. And boom... I got a slideshow. And who is the audience? Of course, I am the biggest fan of my own pix and my own songs! Well, it's a cool app to show off to yr friends too!

There are many apps that combine all communicator apps together, meaning that you are online all the time. You can log into facebook, gchat, msn, yahoo, aol, tweeter, and you-name-it all in 1 go. And which Khunnai wouldn't want to stay forever connected? It's not about invasion of privacy. Coz I didn't say that you have to always answer. But knowing that someone sends you a message gives you power to reply... or simply not. But you will always get the message, get it? Palringo is cool coz you get to send voice mssg and pix mssg to anyone. Meebo is more stable, and keeps chat history for you. So install both, they're both free anyway.

Guess I can't finish the list of iKhunnai apps in one blog. So till we meet next time, keep iPhoning. Bye for now, iKhunnai!


  1. Hi, I'm designer of QuadCam.

    Thanks for the nice review!
    If you love the app, I'm very happy :-)

  2. @ Taka
    I'm honored for the visit! I love QuadCam! Many of my friends always asked me which app I used. Guess you just have to PR it more. But you are doing a fab job!
    BTW, what do u think of 16 actions?
