1 entry found
Main Entry: khun·nai
Pronunciation: \ˈkün-ˈnī\
Function: Noun
Date: Since Eve was introduced to the world
1. A female who enjoys living a life involves around comfort, luxury, and pleasure.
2. A female who thinks the world circles around her, thus her well-being is her utmost and absolute matter that cannot be compromised.
3. A state of being that cannot be altered regardless of surroundings around her, as in the old saying, "Once khunnai, always a khunnai".
We all know that an ultimate place to live a khunnai lifestyle is Bangkok, where you can go for a massage every week, where going to gym means you don't have to bring your own towel, where mass transportation is a rare adventure, where you don't have to compromise the frequency you want to eat sushi, and where you can shop every single day of your life and still not turn broke. What if your life is destined to be out of Bangkok? What if someone up there meant for you to 'go out' and 'explore'?
That's exactly what happened to me more than a year ago. And so I thought.. living in Europe doesn't mean that you have to compromise your khunnai-ness. No, rather, I should compile what is absolutely necessary for other khunnais out there who still wants to travel & live like a khunnai out of Bangkok. To be more specific, where else can be a better place than Milano, Italy and Europe, right? So read on, fellow khunnais, and remember that it is always in you, coz "once khunnai, always a khunnai".
i am a khunnai learner jaaa hehehe - p'pon+